Arizona, Ah Sedona
When I was 6 years old my parents loaded up our '63 Volvo and left Long Island, New York for Los Angeles, California. The journey lasted 7 days, and I remember me and our dog Denver sharing the back seat the whole way. And just before reaching our destination we stopped to stay with friends in Sedona, Arizona. Although I was only 6, some of the experiences I had while we were in Arizona were memories that will be with me forever. The short, strangely dressed beings with giant eyes and heads shaped like eggs that visited me one night in my bed will always haunt me. I still wonder if I was dreaming or if I was really visited. Either way, I can't say that it was a pleasant experience.
She was 6 years old learning the ways of the road
and her daddy said let's do this before we get old
all my hopes all my dreams are waiting for me there
if I don't take a chance I'll never be where their in the air
and I can breathe
Arizona, Ah Sedona
Off season motels, September roads in the fog
And Indian drum, sleep in the back with the dog
Seven days in the back of a '63
Everything good in our lives was ahead of me
waiting to see what I can be
Arizona, ah Sedona
Arizona, 3 days to Sedona
is it a sin to jump and rush in when you don't even know where you're goin
is it a crime to leave it behind when you don't really know where you've been
by the black widow creek visitors came from the sky
and the doorways they brang all disappeared with the light
rattle snakes in the path a bright mountain sun
lights in September night sky left her undone the only one
time to leave
Arizona, ah Sedona
Arizona 3 days to Sedona
Arizona, ah Sedona
Arizona 3 days to, 3 hours to, 3 miles to Sedona
Point the map to the west to the coast where the sun shines the most