Some fun in December!

Oh how I **LOVE** December … all the sparkly stuff just makes me feel like we're all shining, too! This month I am extra excited because I'm going to get to do some really fun holiday stuff that I hope will spread some old fashioned good cheer all over the place! Lordy knows we all need it. First up, the month will kick off with the Annual Dicken's Festival in Port Jeff. This will be my first year singing with Bonnie Grice's "Boots on the Ground" Acting Troupe! Bonnie has an amazing collection of gorgeous vintage garbe that she revels in dressing us in. She's like a mad scientist, pulling out frilly shirts, sashes, hoop skirts to go UNDER your skirt ... I'm tellin' ya, it's an experience in itself just getting all dolled up with her! Then on the day of the fest we'll kick the day off in the parade, and then walk around all day caroling and spreading the Christmas spirit Dickens style, baby! Thank goodness I have comfy boots! I'll be sure to share some pics of this fabulous day! We'll be there Saturday, but it happens Sunday, too, and I highly recommend this festival to everyone who wants to emmerse themselves in some fresh air, good cheer and don't forget the shopping!
Here are the details: Saturday, December 7, 2019, 10:30am - 2pm 24th Annual Charles Dickens Festival Port Jefferson Village Bonnie Grice & Boots on the Ground Theater
And as if that's not enough, I get to do my first VENDETTA'S HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR! Yep, it's a Spectacular! The song list for this show has been such a fun ride for me. I'm finally getting to play all those rock holiday classics that I love so much, with a truely amazing band. I LOVE the horn parts live .... OMG SOOOOO FUN!!!! That show is actually already sold out. But, the night before we will be doing more of a rock show at our local hang out "The Fish" in Hampton Bays, where I'm sure there will be lots of local musicians and friends partying down as well.
SO MERRY CHRISTMAS MA' DEARIES!!! OCEANS OF LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!! And thanks so much for taking the time to read my little updates.