Echo Park Girls Birthday Wish, Fargo Street, Broon's Bane, Rush Cover, Jessie Haynes Music
A quick recollection of Broon's Bane, a song I used to love to play on The Hill, aka Fargo Street, Echo Park, Los Angeles, when my best friend and I, Natalie were growing up. I wish I could show you a picture of this hill .... it is one of the steepest hills you can imagine, and we used to sit right in the middle of it, looking out across the connecting streets across the way to a large house we called the mansion. I still wonder to this day, whose house that was. Fargo Street held so much magic for us. We would sit under the stars; drink beer and I'd strum a guitar. I recall sitting on the handlebars of a bike, wildly balancing myself while playing the guitar like a mad girl on the streets connecting Fargo St. to our neighborhood. One thing I can say is that despite all the years in-between, and me moving away so many years ago, we are all still the closest of friends. We beat the odds, and proved all the grown-ups wrong who told us that our friend ships were fleeting and would never last. SO THERE! Fight the good fight every moment. I look forward to my next visit to The Hill.